Friday, September 24, 2010

The Hills Style?

I don't know about you, but I was a huge fan of the hills at the beginning. As the seasons continued and time went on I lost interest in the show and only watched episodes here and there. So, I have been reading in a lot of places that LC is planning to release a style book. Now, I don't know about you but I was never a fan of Lauren Conrad's style. She is the perfect example of what a lot of money and little creativity can get you these days, but that is just my personal opinion. I would never have thought she would write a style book. Based on these excerpts I think many would agree.

laurenconrad_stylecover_e.jpgLauren Conrad, Style, Fashion, culture


  1. Totally agree with your opinion of Lauren's style....

  2. Meh, to me it seems that all as soon as you have a lot of money you get a bland style that just looks... meh.

    I'd love to see what she fills the pages of this book with -.-


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