Thursday, December 30, 2010


Now that Christmas fever is out of my system I am on to New Years. For most girls New Years is about what to wear. Even though New Years Eve is tomorrow, I have zero plans. But! I do know what I intend to wear...and that's all that matters, Right?


I am finally returning to blogging after finishing finals and enjoying Christmas festivities. I graduate in May so I am already applying for school. Ah! I am applying for Journalism so I am using this blog as a part of my portfolio. But now to the materialism...all around I had a wonderful Christmas. I find that as you get older, you concentrate less on the gifts you get and more on the gifts you give. That being said, my mother really went all out and gave me what I have been longing after for as long as I can remember, the Chanel S5018 sunglasses. Now, whether they are replica's or not, I cannot say forsure. All I know is I think I am in love.

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